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Ai generated iamge refelecting Top 10 AI Wireframe Generators for Streamlining Your Design Process

Top 10 AI Wireframe Generators for Streamlining Your Design Process

Discover the top 10 AI wireframe generators to streamline your design process. Boost efficiency and unleash your creativity with these powerful tools. #design #AI


In the rapidly evolving world of web design, AI wireframe generators have become indispensable tools for designers and developers. These innovative solutions not only enhance efficiency but also foster creativity, enabling professionals to transform their vision into tangible designs swiftly. At EGB Services, led by the visionary Eddie Boscana, we understand the significance of leveraging cutting-edge tools to stay ahead in the tech and AI landscapes. This article delves into the top ten AI wireframe generators, offering insights to help you choose the tool that best aligns with your project needs.

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Top Five Wireframe UI Generators for 2023:

Figma – Figma

Figma website thumbnail image
Figma website thumbnail image
  • Summary: Figma stands out as a comprehensive, cloud-based UI/UX design tool favored for its versatility in prototyping, designing systems, and facilitating user feedback. With an interface that balances simplicity and functionality, it caters to a broad spectrum of users from UX/UI designers to product managers. Figma’s real-time collaboration feature allows multiple users to simultaneously work on the same project, enhancing team cooperation and streamlining feedback processes. Its vector graphics capabilities and prototyping tools, combined with robust support for design systems and components, position it as a versatile tool for various design tasks.
  • Pros:
    • Real-time collaboration for simultaneous work on designs.
    • Intuitive and user-friendly interface, easy for beginners yet powerful for experienced designers.
    • Versatile in handling vector graphics, prototyping, and design systems.
    • Cross-platform accessibility, being cloud-based, enables use on various devices and operating systems.
    • Extensive plugin ecosystem enhancing functionality.
  • Cons:
    • Some performance issues noted with large or complex files.
    • Limited offline functionality, requiring a steady internet connection.
    • Advanced features and plugins may present a learning curve.
  • Pricing: Figma offers a range of pricing options:
    • Starter Plan: Free, catering to up to 2 editors and 3 projects.
    • Professional Plan: $12 per editor/month (annually) or $15 per editor/month (monthly).
    • Organization Plan: $45 per editor/month, billed annually.

Figma’s powerful design and prototyping tools combined with its innovative approach to user collaboration have solidified its position as a key player in digital design. Its intuitive interface, coupled with a robust free tier and scalable paid options, makes it a versatile choice for designers at all levels. The tool does face challenges with handling large files and needs an internet connection, but its overall versatility and accessibility make it a strong contender in the realm of collaborative design tools​​​​​​​​.

Sketch – Sketch

Sketch website thumbnail
Sketch website thumbnail
  • Summary: Sketch is renowned for its strong focus on UI/UX design, primarily catering to Mac users. It stands out with its vector editing tools that are precise and pixel-perfect, making it ideal for high-fidelity graphic design. Sketch supports the creation of multiple artboards within a single file, which is beneficial for organizing different screens and states in web and iOS app designs. The software also excels in offering CSS export capabilities, real-time collaboration, and a robust plugin ecosystem. Its layer styles, scrolling artboards, and export options further add to its usability in creating realistic prototypes and mockups.
  • Pros:
    • Precision in vector editing for detailed design work.
    • Efficient organization of designs with multiple artboards.
    • Real-time collaboration enhances teamwork.
    • CSS export feature streamlines the transition from design to development.
    • Extensive plugin ecosystem tailored for various design needs.
    • User-friendly with a supportive community and vast tutorial resources.
  • Cons:
    • Exclusive focus on macOS limits cross-platform compatibility.
    • Performance can be affected with large or complex files.
    • No built-in 3D tools or bitmap editing capabilities.
    • Advanced features and symbol overrides may present a learning curve.
    • Limited offline functionality.
  • PricingSketch offers various pricing tiers:
    • Standard Subscription: Starting around $10/editor/month, ideal for solo designers and small teams.
    • Mac-only License: Priced at $120 per seat, excluding collaborative features and web access.
    • Business Subscription: Tailored for medium to large teams, priced at $20/editor/month.

Sketch is particularly effective for tech startups, design agencies, and software companies where macOS is predominantly used. Its streamlined interface and focus on screen designs make it a powerful tool for UI/UX designers. However, teams using mixed operating systems may find the Mac-only orientation a limitation​​​​​​​​.

InVision Freehand – InVision Freehand

Freehand app website
Freehand app website
  • Summary: InVision Freehand is a versatile collaboration platform known for its real-time collaboration feature that allows team members to work together on a virtual whiteboard, regardless of their physical location. It is particularly effective for teams that rely heavily on visual communication. The platform includes features such as task management, document management, file sharing, and feedback collection. It’s integrated with several design tools and platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams, enhancing its functionality for a seamless workflow.
  • Pros:
    • Offers real-time collaboration on a virtual whiteboard.
    • User-friendly interface suitable for quick adaptation by new users.
    • Allows the assignment and tracking of tasks within the Freehand canvas.
    • Supports adding and managing documents and files directly within the platform.
    • Effective for capturing and developing ideas visually.
    • Integrates with design tools such as Sketch and Adobe, and platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams.
  • Cons:
    • Limited in some project management aspects such as workflow automation, Gantt charts, and bug tracking.
    • Some users may find complexities when handling detailed project management tasks.
    • The platform might not offer as in-depth support as some specialized project management tools.
  • Pricing: InVision Freehand offers two main pricing plans:
    • Free Plan: Suitable for up to 30 active users, with access to 3 freehands and unlimited public and private spaces.
    • Pro Plan: Priced at $4.95 per active user/month, allowing up to 50 active users and offering unlimited freehands and spaces.

InVision Freehand stands out for its ease of use and robust collaboration tools, making it an excellent choice for teams focusing on design and visual communication. Its integration capabilities with various tools enhance its efficiency in the design process. However, it may fall short for teams requiring comprehensive project management features​​​​​​​​.

MockFlow – MockFlow

Mock Flow website screenshot
Mock Flow website screenshot
  • Summary: MockFlow is a user-friendly, cloud-based wireframing tool, especially suited for beginners. It offers a comprehensive suite of features for collaborative design and wireframing. Its primary focus is on ease of use, allowing users to quickly visualize and iterate on UI/UX designs. MockFlow stands out for its simplicity, while still offering a range of features for collaborative design, making it a versatile choice for various design needs.
  • Pros:
    • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface, ideal for beginners.
    • Offers a variety of pre-built UI elements and templates, simplifying the design process.
    • Good prototyping capabilities with the ability to create interactive prototypes.
    • Supports collaboration, allowing multiple team members to work on designs simultaneously.
    • Provides options to export wireframes in different formats.
    • Integrates with other tools like Photoshop and web applications.
  • Cons:
    • Lacks some advanced tools like use case and class diagram tools.
    • Some users find the wireframing detail to be cumbersome.
    • Limited monochromatic UI and icon availability.
    • Grouping of elements in the wireframes can be challenging.
    • Limited collaboration features compared to some alternatives.
  • Pricing: MockFlow starts at $14, offering a balance of affordability and functionality. It is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from individual designers to larger enterprises. The software provides various features under this pricing, making it a cost-effective option for those seeking a basic yet effective wireframing tool.

MockFlow is highly rated for its ease of use and functionality, making it a solid choice for those starting in wireframing or needing a simple tool for quick prototyping and design visualization. However, for more complex projects or advanced design needs, users might consider other tools like Figma or Adobe XD​​​​​​.

Five Additional Online-Based AI Wireframe Tools:

Visily – Visily

Visily website screenshot
Visily website screenshot
  • Summary: Visily is an innovative AI-powered wireframing and design tool, tailored for non-designers, enabling the creation of high-quality prototypes and wireframes. It transforms inputs like screenshots, sketches, or text prompts into editable designs. Known for its user-friendly interface, Visily is lauded for streamlining the design process, making it accessible to team members beyond just designers, such as product managers and engineers. This tool enhances the creative process by facilitating quick creation of mockups and prototypes, ideal for teams seeking to rapidly test and iterate design concepts.
  • Pros:
    • Converts various forms of inputs into customizable mockups.
    • AI-driven design assistant offers feedback and suggestions.
    • Rich library of components and templates for versatile design creation.
    • Simplifies collaboration and design sharing among team members.
    • Interactive prototyping features to test designs effectively.
    • User-friendly, especially beneficial for non-designers.
  • Cons:
    • Still in beta, might have some bugs or limitations.
    • May not handle complex or highly custom design needs.
    • Potentially incompatible with other design tools with different formats or standards.
  • Pricing: Visily offers a free version with essential features, making it accessible to individuals and small teams. For more advanced features and larger team collaboration, you may contact Visily for detailed pricing information.

Visily stands out for its AI-driven capabilities that democratize the design process, enabling users without extensive design experience to create visually appealing and functional wireframes and prototypes. It’s particularly useful for those who want to quickly visualize their ideas and collaborate effectively within their teams. However, for more intricate or custom design requirements, users might explore other tools with a broader range of functionalities​​​​​​. –

Wire gen Ai website screenshot
Wire gen Ai website screenshot
  • Summary: is an innovative AI-powered Figma plugin that streamlines the wireframe creation process. It generates UI wireframes rapidly based on a provided topic or description, making it an efficient tool for designers who wish to focus on creative aspects without getting bogged down in the initial stages of design. The plugin is notable for its ability to create multiple wireframe sets quickly, integrating seamlessly with Figma for easy customization.
  • Pros:
    • Automates the wireframe creation process, saving time and effort.
    • User-friendly, making it easy to generate multiple design ideas quickly.
    • The AI can generate multiple sets of wireframes with just a few clicks.
    • Fully customizable wireframes with Figma integration.
    • Ideal for visualizing various ideas in the early stages of design.
    • Speeds up idea iteration by adjusting wireframes with simple text prompts.
  • Cons:
    • Currently, there are limited design options as the AI generates layouts and styles based on its own choices.
    • The plugin is in its beta phase, so there may be limitations and room for improvement in future updates.
  • Pricing: is free to use during its beta phase, with the limitation of creating up to 25 designs per month. This makes it an accessible tool for designers looking to experiment with AI-powered wireframe generation without committing to a paid service. stands out as a practical tool for quickly visualizing different design ideas, especially useful in the early stages of the design process. Its integration with Figma enhances its appeal to designers who are already familiar with this platform. While the plugin is still evolving, its current capabilities are already impressive and beneficial for streamlining design workflows​​​​​​.

Justinmind – Justinmind

JustIn Mind Website screenshot
JustIn Mind Website screenshot
  • Summary: Justinmind is a versatile UI and UX design platform that supports the creation of high-fidelity web and mobile app prototypes without coding. Known for its simplicity and effectiveness, it offers a range of tools for designing UI assets, interactive prototypes, and functional simulations. The software enables responsive prototyping across various screen sizes and integrates with UI requirements management, which is useful for both designers and developers. Justinmind is suitable for startups, freelancers, small to large businesses, and non-profit organizations.
  • Pros:
    • Offers a clean, self-explanatory interface and is easy to use.
    • Large library of built-in design elements and integration with popular platforms.
    • Prototyping features are robust, supporting responsive design and importing assets.
    • Provides a template feature to reduce time spent on re-creating pages.
    • Ability to share wireframes and prototypes via web links.
    • Compatible with various devices and operating systems, including mobile and desktop.
  • Cons:
    • The layout may be unfamiliar to some designers, requiring a learning curve.
    • The software has experienced some stability issues, such as crashing.
    • Some features may be missing or require improvement, such as icon availability.
    • The tool might be considered expensive compared to some alternatives.
  • PricingJustinmind offers several pricing plans:
    • Free Plan: A basic version available at no cost.
    • Standard Plan: Priced at $9 per month, offering advanced features.
    • Professional Plan: Available at $19 per month for more comprehensive needs.
    • Enterprise Plan: Priced at $39 per month, suitable for large-scale use.

Justinmind provides a comprehensive solution for prototyping and wireframing, with its intuitive design and extensive features making it an excellent tool for various design needs. While it is straightforward and user-friendly, new users might face a learning curve. It’s a preferred tool for rapid prototyping and design mockups, particularly for users looking for a desktop application with robust features​​​​​​​​. – website thumbnail website thumbnail
  • Summary: is known for its simplicity and organized approach to wireframing. Its clean interface, devoid of excessive icons and toolbars, is a significant advantage, allowing users to sketch ideas in a raw and straightforward manner. This tool is particularly suited for quickly creating low-fidelity wireframes, focusing more on content and structure rather than complex details.
  • Pros:
    • Offers flexibility in drawing with a mouse, enabling freeform design.
    • Provides a range of stencils for diverse design needs.
    • Simple features that are easy to handle, even for beginners.
    • Each saved wireframe gets a unique URL for easy sharing, available in the paid version.
    • A 7-day trial is available.
  • Cons:
    • The free version does not allow user account creation.
    • Wireframes created under the free version are public by default.
    • Only single-page wireframes can be created in the free version.
  • Pricing: is priced at approximately $16 per month. It offers a streamlined and efficient tool for basic wireframing needs, especially useful for quick, low-fidelity designs. is ideal for those who need a minimalist and intuitive wireframing tool without the complexity of more advanced software. However, for users requiring high-fidelity animations or complex prototyping capabilities, other tools might be more suitable​​​​​​.

Taskade’s AI Website Wireframe Generator – Taskade

Taskade website thumbnail
Taskade website thumbnail
  • Summary:Taskade’s AI Website Wireframe Generator is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the process of creating website wireframes. It analyzes user behavior and industry trends to generate wireframes optimized for user experience. This tool simplifies the design process, allowing quick creation of wireframes outlining key pages, navigation, and content hierarchy. Its primary aim is to facilitate a user-focused design process, making websites intuitive and navigable.
  • Pros:
    • Streamlines the wireframe design process with quick, AI-powered generation.
    • Focuses on creating wireframes that optimize user experience.
    • Provides a clear visual representation of website structure for improved communication with stakeholders.
    • Cost-effective, reducing design costs and resource allocation.
    • Enables seamless synchronization across devices, enhancing productivity and team collaboration.
    • Offers flexible task organization for adaptable prioritization and categorization of tasks.
  • Cons:
    • Limited integration options compared to other productivity tools.
    • Absence of third-party app integrations may necessitate manual data entry or workarounds.
    • Lacks comprehensive project management features like Gantt charts and timelines.
    • Reporting capabilities are somewhat limited, hindering in-depth data analysis and visualization.
    • The free version has restrictions on features, which may compel users to opt for the premium version for full functionality.
  • Pricing: Taskade offers a pro plan costing $19 per month for 20 members billed annually, or $39 billed monthly, which includes 5 workspaces, 20 GB of storage, and 6 months of project history, alongside 50,000 AI credits.

Taskade’s AI Website Wireframe Generator is an efficient tool for small teams and startups, particularly those working remotely or in hybrid settings. Its pricing plans are cost-efficient and suitable for small businesses, making it an appealing option for those seeking a straightforward, user-friendly wireframe generator. However, its limited integration options and minimal project management features might pose challenges for larger companies or complex projects​​​​​​.

Top Pick: Uizard – Uizard website thumbnail image website thumbnail image
  • Summary: Uizard is an innovative AI-powered design tool that excels in transforming hand-drawn sketches and screenshots into digital wireframes and mockups. It’s particularly useful for rapid prototyping, enabling users to quickly turn their ideas into tangible designs. Uizard’s standout features include the ability to generate themes from images or URLs, a wireframe mode for switching between high and low-fidelity designs, image generation from text prompts, and a focus predictor that creates heatmaps to identify user attention hotspots.
  • Pros:
    • Converts hand-drawn sketches into digital designs seamlessly.
    • Generates themes from images or URLs for consistent design aesthetics.
    • Offers a wireframe mode to switch between different fidelity levels.
    • Creates images from text descriptions, enhancing design creativity.
    • The focus predictor feature helps in identifying key areas in a design.
    • User-friendly interface with a low learning curve.
    • Collaborative features facilitate teamwork in real-time.
  • Cons:
    • Limited artboard sizes, such as tablet sizes, may restrict design scope.
    • The text assistant’s AI-generated text may require further refinement.
    • Some users have reported issues when editing text and moving elements.
  • PricingUizard offers a free plan with limited features, and paid plans start from $12/creator/month. The Pro plan includes full library access and additional AI requests. Users can also unlock a free month of Uizard Pro by referring others to sign up.

Uizard is well-regarded for its ease of use and innovative AI features, making it an excellent choice for rapid prototyping and collaborative design work. Its unique ability to transform sketches and screenshots into digital designs sets it apart, though some users may find the need for further editing after using its AI features​​​​​​​​.

Comparison and User Experience Analysis:

The landscape of wireframe tools is diverse, catering to a wide array of design needs and expertise levels. Adobe XD and Figma shine as all-encompassing solutions, offering robust toolsets suitable for complex and detailed design work. They stand out for their comprehensive functionalities and integration capabilities, making them ideal for experienced designers and large-scale projects.

Sketch, with its focus on macOS users, excels in high-fidelity graphic design, particularly useful for UI/UX design within the Apple ecosystem. InVision Freehand differentiates itself with its real-time collaboration feature, making it a go-to for teams that prioritize visual communication and brainstorming.

For beginners or those seeking simplicity in design, MockFlow and Visily are excellent choices. MockFlow, with its straightforward interface, is particularly easy for beginners to navigate, while Visily is praised for its AI-powered capabilities that streamline the prototype creation process, especially for non-designers.

Ai art reflecting Ai Systems in Ui Development
Ai art reflecting Ai Systems in Ui Development stands out with its AI-driven approach within Figma, automating wireframe creation and significantly reducing design time. Similarly, Taskade’s AI Website Wireframe Generator emphasizes user experience, offering a quick and efficient wireframing process that is suitable for rapid ideation.

Justinmind offers a blend of ease-of-use with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and pre-made UI kits, making it a solid choice for testing user experiences and facilitating collaboration., with its minimalistic and context-sensitive UI, is ideal for basic wireframing needs and is valued for its simplicity and cloud-based collaborative capabilities.

Overall, each tool has its unique strengths, and the choice often depends on specific project requirements, user experience level, and the design environment preferred. Whether it’s comprehensive design capabilities, AI integration for efficiency, or user-friendly interfaces for beginners, there is a tool available to meet the diverse needs of today’s digital designers.

Need some help?

EGB Services, steered by Eddie Boscana, specializes in web design and AI, merging creativity with technology. Its branch, SoFly Web Designs, crafts bespoke web solutions, while Anytime Computer Service focuses on robust IT support. AI Intersection explores AI’s varied roles. Eddie’s insights on TutsPlus and his portfolio at offer rich learning resources. Project Eden, another EGB initiative, champions open-source AI, fostering collaborative innovation.


Selecting the right AI wireframe tool is crucial in modern web design. This comparative guide aims to assist you in making an informed decision, aligning with your specific design needs and workflow. For a deeper dive into these tools or for bespoke advice in technology and AI, EGB Services, led by Eddie Boscana, is your go-to resource.

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